icon Discrete System

Discrete Mathematics deals with discrete objects. Discrete objects are those objects that can be counted and are not connected for e.g. houses, trees, desks, integers, etc. So dealing with these discrete objects requires different concepts like counting techniques, knowledge of different discrete structures that are needed to understand what exactly discrete structure is like sets, relations, graphs, etc. we start our quest with foundation and go in depth later. Logic Logic is a language for reasoning. Since logic can helps us to reason the mathematical models it needs some rules associated with logic so that we can apply those rules for mathematical reasoning. There are lots of applications of logic in the field of computer science for e.g. designing circuits, programming, program verifications, etc.

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icon Object Oriented Programming

The term Object Oriented programming is frequently heard in the programming arena. Object oriented approach was started to overcome the limitations of the earlier programming approaches. It is popularly known by its acronym OOP. It is used to develop reliable and reusable software. The programming technology is continuously developing since the start of the computer and related technologies. New tools and techniques are included in programming in each phase of their development. Such enhancements increased complexity in programming and design of large software. Similarly, the users' requirements change and increase after the software is brought into operation. The software may need maintenance and enhancements after the regular feedback from the users. There could be problems to represent real life entities of problem while analyzing and designing system. While improving the software work may need to begin from the scratch that may increase software cost too. To incorporate users' demands and enhancements in software with such complex systems was difficult. To overcome such problems software developers were forced to develop new programming method. OOP was introduced to solve such programming problems.

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icon Microprocessor

One of the greatest inventions that have changed man‟s life is the computer. History reveals that the evolution of computer started with the development of calculator. Firstly there were mechanical computers which have now evolved to electronic ones. The mechanical computers which cannot be put aside are "difference engine" and "analytical engine". Both of them were developed by Charles Babbage, the father of the computer. The "difference engine" was a mechanical device that could add and subtract, but could only run a single algorithm. Its output system was incompatible to write on medium such as punched cards and early optical disks. The "analytical engine" was a improvement on "difference engine" and provided features such as: the store (memory), the mill (computation unit), input section (punched card reader) and output section (punched and printed output). The store consisted of 1000 words of 50 decimal digits used to hold variables and results. The mill could accept operands from the store, add, subtract, multiply or divide them, and return a result to the store. The great advantage of the analytical engine was that it was general purpose. It read instructions from punched cards and carried them, out. By punching a different program on the input cards, it was possible to have the analytical engine perform different computations. The evolution of the vacuum tubes led the development of computers into a new era. The world's first general purpose electronic digital computer was ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and calculator). It was designed and constructed under the supervision of John Mauchly and John Presper Eckert at the University of Pennsylvania. The ENIAC built by using vacuum tubes was enormous in size and consumed very high power. However it was faster than mechanical computers.

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